The optional colors for metal display stands with aluminum alloy and stainless steel frame can be matte gold,silver, white, black, white, magenta, gray or other colors, and color also canbe customized according to customers’ requirements.
In general, golden orsome metallic products use matte black, leather products, tobacco,ceramics etc. are often use golden frame with black board. The color is generally decided by the exhibits and requirements of customer.
Normally, the colortemperature of the light inside the display stands has a range from 2700k to6400k, light will be yellow or red if the color temperature is lower but willbe white and dazzling if higher. Ordinary jewels and jewellery demand highercolor temperature and illumination, but general crafts and leather productsetc. need lower color temperature.
Wooden display stands, wooden painted display stand are the most commonly used showcase inmodern shopping malls, this kind of showcase is customized in general, variousof specifications and styles can be produced according to design requirements,styles is more abundant. Pay attention to the wood texture and paint qualitywhen purchasing the wooden display case, wooden display stands with finelygrained have beech and oak etc., while thick texture have Fraxinusmandschurica, pine, etc.
In addition, stovingvarnish divided into matte and light, paint including wood grain open paint,wood grain varnish, monochrome matt paint and monochrome light paint etc.Wooden and wooden painted display stands are usually regarded as high-gradepaint display stands, generally used in upscale display districts andhigh-end product exhibition, display stands should better to combine withwhole display spaces and display effects.